Category: Viedoklis (111 posts) [RSS]

Sep 26 2023

The friend of "renewables" is not nuclear, but fossil fuels. And nuclear power is common enemy to both.

Because for renewables fossil resources are essential, but nuclear energy does not need either of them.


May 22 2023

Why don't I have solar panels on my roof?


1. I don't need to generate my own low-emission electricity
2. Solar panels are not suitable for my needs
3. Solar panels produce cheap junk electricity, their payback is not guaranteed
5. I don't want to be an electricity "price watcher"
5. Solar panels are not a "green" and sustainable technology
6. Solar panels on house roofs are nothing more than peacock tails and deer antlers

Sep 11 2022

2022. gada Latvijas partiju fizikas zināšanu tops

  •  Nacionālā apvienība VL/TB/LNNK: +1
  •  Attīstībai/Par!: 0
  •  Zaļo un Zemnieku savienība: 0
  •  Apvienotais saraksts LZP/LRA/LP: 0
  •  Jaunā vienotība: –2


Feb 05 2022

You don't need Big Brother in your communication

For all, who care about private communication, independent of cataclysms and Big Brothers, I recommend SMS messaging apps, and, if necessary, mesh network communication.


Jul 13 2021

The road to a climate-neutral future


In order for the world to achieve zero CO2 emissions by 2050, we have to do following every day:

  1. construct and network two 2GW nuclear power plants, or
  2. build 1000 carbon capture and storage stations, or
  3. install 3000 2MW wind turbines in the area of 3000 ha, equip them with distribution and transmission networks, and build and connect one 3GW nuclear power plant to the network, or
  4. build a 40 GW solar panel station in an area of 250 km2, equip it with distribution and transmission networks, and build and connect one 3GW nuclear power plant to the network, or
  5. without the use of nuclear energy, install and charge 350000t of chemical batteries for one day's energy reserve.
Tags Viedoklis
Created by Administrator on 2009-04-08 17:14
Last modified by Administrator on 2021-04-13 14:27
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