WinRunner Downloads
Here are some files which could be useful in any WinRunner project:
- is simple data-driven testing framework, see more in winrunner_testing_framework_en.
- ABC_GUI.gui
- is GUI file for Windows applications which is used by test management functions.
- Personal.xla
- Excel template file contains fill_colors() and fill_colors_crosstable() functions which color *.log file (opened in Excel). Call functions with Tools-Macro-Macros...-Macro name-fill_colors-Run (or prepare custom button with reference to function. File should be stored in 'C:/Documents and Settings/user_name/Application Data/Microsoft/Excel/XLSTART' folder, to start it always with Excel. See Module1.xba for OpenOffice Calc.
- Module1.xba
- is port for the same coloring functions to the OpenOffice VB script. This file should be stored in 'C:/Documents and Settings/user_name/Application Data/O*/user/basic/Standard' folder (* exact folder name depends on OpenOffice version e.g. 2.0.1 or 2.x.x). With GUI code is accessible via Tools- Macros- Organize Macros- OOo Basic...- My Macros- Standard- Module1. Functions can be invocated via Tools- Macros- Run macro...- My Macros- Standard- Module1 — fill_colors/fill_colors_crosstable
- test.bat
- is batch file for automatic WR invocation. This file can be scheduled in Windows Scheduler (Start-Settings-Control Panel-Scheduled Tasks- Add Scheduled Task).
- script
- file is actual file of ABC_Functions shown in WinRunner Custom Functions.
- change_word.vbs
- does intellectual replacement of word in all files in directory — if source string is already part of destination string, replacement isn't performed. Standard usage is changing built-in function name to custom function name e.g. set_window to my_set_window.
- delete_files.vbs
- script removes all *.bak, *.sav, *.log,.#* _t_rep.* files,..debug directories, *.htm, *.bmp, *.jpg files in..Results folder for project cleanup before committing files in CVS system.
- generate_sript_list.vbs
- script reads all header files in passed directory and generates list of WinRunner scripts and their parameters.
- generate_function_list.vbs
- generates list of functions from WinRunner script file. Script assumes that each of function has explanation before and takes line that begins with "# PURPOSE:", and function definition starting with "public function".
- function_generator.vbs
- generates necessary WR commands to customize WR Function generator through analysis of ABC_Functions script.
- is simple example with compiled module for common functions and simple script invocation schema.
- Example of function invocation in external DLL.
- script shows simple example, how application can be nicely killed (including WR itself, if necessary ;-)) using Taskmanager.
- script allows to read long strings from file with variable overflow notification.
- script_get_system_settings
- invokes system command, and store this info in file to get various system settings.
- script_get_text
- shows context sensitive and OCR approaches to get text from application.
- script_get_xls_line
- script reads a particular line from the Excel file.
Created by Administrator on 2008-11-23 10:06
Last modified by Administrator on 2021-04-13 14:29
Created by Administrator on 2008-11-23 10:06
Last modified by Administrator on 2021-04-13 14:29