Note, that this recipe is not updated long time and could be outdated!
Got it.

Rapla resource planning server


  1. Download file from e.g.
  2. Paste this file into /usr/local/bin folder;
  3. Unzip

    unzip -r rapla;
  4. Run

    ./ start

Connecting to MySQL

  1. Create new database:

    create database Rapla;
  2. Create a user (name - "student", password - "Student007"):

    grant all on Rapla.* to student@"%" identified by "Student007", student@localhost identified by "Student007";
  3. Execute rapla-mysql.sql script to create tables (assuming you are in /webapps/rapla folders:

    mysql> use Rapla;
    mysql> source /WEB-INF/rapla-mysql.sql;
  4. Download JDBC driver from and put it into /WEB-INF/lib and  /webapp/WEB-INF/lib folders);
  5. Change settings in raplaserver.xconf in /WEB-INF/ and /webapp/WEB-INF/:

    <db-storage id="sql">
  6. Change the store from file to SQL (assuming you are in /rapla/ folder):

    ./ import data.xml Rapla;
  7. If you want to change store from SQl to file, use this:

    ./ export Rapla data.xml;

Starting Rapla

  1. Start Rapla's server:

    ./ start
  2. Go to Rapla's default URL \http://localhost:8051/rapla##;
  3. Default user is admin with no password.

HTML read-only view

Rapla has a good feature - it can export calendars to HTML and automatically update them.
For now, we'll use an iframe to import it to XWiki. For example, paste this code into XWiki page:

<div style="overflow: hidden">
<iframe src=""  name="iframe" id="html-calendar" frameborder="0">

iframe source is an external html-page created by Rapla.

&today at the end of the link means that view will always display the current situation.

Paste it into /rapla/webapp directory.

Add this style to /xwiki/skins/accenture/style.css:

iframe#html-calendar {
    width: 100%;
    height: 460px;
    border: 0;
    display: block;
    overflow: hidden;

Creating a navigation menu

This menu will display different exported calendars, which very useful for switching between different meeting rooms or simple events.

<div class="floatcontainer">
<ul class="xwikitabbar">
<li><a href="" target="iframe">All rooms load</a></li>
<li><a href="" target="iframe">Jupiter</a></li>

Also add these two links to start Rapla directly, using Java plugin or Java Web Start:

* <a href="">Start Rapla (with Java Web Start)</a>
* <a href="" target="_blank">Start Rapla (with Java plugin)</a>

Rapla on Tomcat

  1. Make an empty directory "rapla" under $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps.
  2. Copy the content from Jetty's "webapps" directory to "rapla" under Tomcat.
  3. Make log files accessible:

    chmod -R 777 /usr/share/tomcat5/webapps/rapla
  4. Map this with JkMount and restart Apache2 and Tomcat.
  5. Access URL http://localhost/rapla and log in with "admin" and empty password.

Tags Linux Birojs Plānošana Pārvaldība Serveris
Created by Valdis Vītoliņš on 2013-09-08 14:17
Last modified by Valdis Vītoliņš on 2013-09-08 14:17
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